Depression and Mood Instability


Depression isn’t simply feeling sad or having a bad day. It’s a serious condition that affects not only your mood but also your body and thoughts. It can impact your everyday life and make tasks that were once routine feel overwhelming

So, let's understand the symptoms of depression:

Persistent sadness or low mood

You might feel sad most of the time and even small things might seem too hard to handle.

Loss of interest or pleasure

Activities you once enjoyed might no longer hold your interest. Even your favorite foods or hobbies may not bring you pleasure.

Feelings of guilt or worthlessness

You might blame yourself unnecessarily or feel guilty about things not actually your fault.

Decreased energy or fatigue

Tasks that require focus may become hard to manage, and you might struggle with decision-making.

Changes in sleep

You may experience insomnia (trouble sleeping) or hypersomnia (sleeping too much).

Physical symptoms

You might have aches and pains that don’t improve with treatment.

Suicidal thoughts or tendencies

In severe cases, thoughts about death or suicide can emerge.

Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

Tasks that require focus may become hard to manage, and you might struggle with decision-making.

Essential to Understand

It’s essential to understand that help is available if you’re struggling with any of these symptoms. Just as you would consult a doctor for physical ailments, consulting a mental health professional, like a psychiatrist, can be the first step towards addressing your mental health concerns. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and together, we can work towards improving your quality of life.

Don't let fear and anxiety stop you from enjoying your life.

if you're experiencing some of these symptoms, it's important to understand that other conditions can present similarly

Bipolar Disorder

This condition is characterized by mood swings that range from periods of high energy (mania) to low moods (depression). What distinguishes it from depression is the presence of mania or hypomania.

Thyroid Problems

Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can mimic symptoms of depression, like mood changes, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. A simple blood test can help differentiate.


This condition often causes fatigue, which can be mistaken for depression.

Grief and Bereavement

The sadness and loss associated with grief can look a lot like depression. However, normal grief usually improves over time, while depression tends to persist or worsen.

Anxiety Disorders

While depression often involves feelings of worry, these disorders are characterized by excessive and prolonged bouts of fear or anxiety. If anxiety symptoms are more dominant, it might be an anxiety disorder rather than depression.

Substance Use Disorders

Sometimes, alcohol or drug misuse can lead to depressive symptoms.

Certain Medications

Some drugs can also lead to depressive symptoms as side effects.

Feeling Low

So, if you’re feeling low and these symptoms resonate with you, remember that there’s help available. It’s crucial to consult a mental health professional, like a psychiatrist, who can conduct a thorough evaluation, considering your history, symptoms, and possible physical health issues, to reach an accurate diagnosis. You’re not alone in this journey; professionals like myself are here to support and guide you towards better health.