Inattention & Hyperactivity


Inattention refers to difficulties in maintaining focus, paying attention to details, or following through on tasks or instructions. 

Here are some common signs and symptoms of inattention:

Difficulty Sustaining Focus

You might struggle to stay focused during lectures, conversations, or while reading.


You might frequently forget daily tasks, such as doing chores, paying bills, or returning calls.

Making Careless Mistakes

You might overlook or miss details, leading to errors in schoolwork, work, or during other activities.

Easily Distracted

You may often find your mind wandering or get sidetracked by unrelated thoughts or stimuli.

Avoiding Tasks That Require Sustained Mental Effort

You may avoid or delay starting tasks that require a lot of thought or organization, such as preparing reports, completing forms, or reviewing lengthy documents.

Don't let fear and anxiety stop you from enjoying your life.

Like other conditions, there are 'differential diagnoses' to consider. These are other conditions that might initially appear similar to inattention:

ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)

While inattention is a key feature of ADHD, this disorder also involves symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity


Difficulty concentrating can be a symptom of depression, but depression is also characterized by a persistently low mood, loss of interest in activities, and other symptoms that aren’t typical of inattention alone.

Sleep Disorders

Conditions like insomnia or sleep apnea can lead to problems with attention and concentration, but these disorders are also associated with specific sleep symptoms.

Anxiety Disorders

Worry and anxiety can make it difficult to concentrate, but anxiety disorders also involve persistent, excessive fear or worry in situations that are not threatening.

Learning Disorders

These can make it hard to pay attention to specific types of tasks or information, but they’re usually limited to specific areas, such as reading, writing, or mathematics.

Trouble Sleeping

If you or a loved one are experiencing problems with inattention, it’s important to seek professional help. A mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, can provide an evaluation and guide you to appropriate treatments and strategies to manage inattention.
Remember, acknowledging the issue and seeking help is a huge step towards improvement. Inattention does not determine your capabilities or value; with the right help, you can navigate and overcome its challenges. Let’s work together to help you focus on the things that matter to you.