Insomnia & Hypersomnia


is a sleep disorder that is characterized by persistent trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting quality sleep. This can lead to daytime symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and mood disturbances.

Here are some common signs and symptoms of insomnia:

Difficulty Falling Asleep

This can occur in the form of intrusive memories, flashbacks, or nightmares. You might find yourself reliving the event over and over again.

Waking Up Too Early

You may go to great lengths to avoid anything that reminds you of the trauma, including places, people, thoughts, or situations that may bring back memories.

Sweating, nausea or diarrhea

Physical symptoms like these are often common during episodes of heightened anxiety.

Daytime Tiredness or Sleepiness

This could be shown through irritability, anger, guilt, or feeling numb and detached. You may also have difficulty sleeping or concentrating.

IrritabilityDifficulty Paying Attention, Focusing, or Remembering

Lack of restful sleep can impair your cognitive functioning.

Waking Up During the Night

You might feel constantly “on guard” or alert, leading to restlessness and sleep disturbances.

Feeling Tired After a Night's Sleep

You might have a more negative self-view, struggle with feelings of hopelessness, or have difficulty remembering aspects of the traumatic event.

Irritability, Depression, or Anxiety

Trauma can also manifest as physical symptoms like headaches, stomachaches, or fatigue.

Increased Errors or Accidents

Fatigue can make you more prone to mistakes or accidents.

Don't let fear and anxiety stop you from enjoying your life.

As with other conditions, there are 'differential diagnoses,' or conditions that may seem like insomnia but are different:

Sleep Apnea

This is a condition where breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep, leading to disrupted sleep and daytime tiredness. However, unlike insomnia, it’s often associated with snoring and periods of gasping or snorting during sleep.

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)

RLS is characterized by an irresistible urge to move the legs, often disrupting sleep. The key differentiator here is the physical sensation and urge to move, which isn’t present in insomnia.

Mood and Anxiety Disorders

These conditions may cause sleep disturbances, but they also involve a host of other symptoms not seen in insomnia, like persistent feelings of sadness, worry, or fear.

Circadian Rhythm Disorders

These conditions involve a disruption of the body’s internal clock, leading to sleep disruptions. However, the problem here is not with the quality or quantity of sleep per se, but with its timing.


This is a neurological disorder that affects the control of sleep and wakefulness, often leading to excessive daytime sleepiness and sudden bouts of sleep, which are not features of insomnia.

Trouble Sleeping

There’s absolutely no shame in seeking help, and the strength lies in acknowledging the issue and taking the first step towards recovery. Let’s maaIf you’re having trouble sleeping, know that you’re not alone, and there are many strategies and treatments available to help. Reaching out to a mental health professional, like a psychiatrist, can be a significant first step towards better sleep and better overall health. Remember, it’s not just about the quantity of sleep, but the quality too. Let’s work together to make your nights more restful and your days more your mental health a priority, together.